“THE CONVERGENCE” Series on VoiceAmerica since 2022 is dedicated to programming by The Evolutionary Leaders Circle (https://www.evolutionaryleaders.net/) from its numerous Synergy Circles (https://www.evolutionaryleaders.net/synergycircles).
Programs to date are featured below in chronological order.



Conscious Leadership

Choosing to Serve

Choosing Peace

Voices for a Thriving Future:

Choosing Earth
Comments from Guests
Deepak Chopra: It’s a pleasure to be in conversation with you. Science is struggling to explain what is called Reality… it’s an open question. The visible universe is only .01 % of all that exists. We’ve been thru several iterations. It is incumbent to really look at fundamental questions and how they are intimately related.
Duane Elgin: I see two critical areas—voice and vision. We are in uncharted territory. We now have the chance for an emerging voice, especially because of today’s worldwide communications technologies. This has never happened in human history before and this in incredibly exciting– an earth- voice movement. As to vision, science is now saying this is a living universe. In a living universe we want to engage this aliveness. This is a place of love, and pulling together.
Diane Marie Williams: Thank you for offering this Convergence series. This is about transcending the limitations of our current existence into something that surpasses what we have experienced before. This is a zone where true evolution takes place. This means experimenting with new approaches and paradigms. You have to believe that something new is possible.
2022- 2021 FAVORITES
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The Power of Storytelling

Our Moment of Choice, 1
Comments from Guests
Gregg Braden: Thank you for opening this roundtable and getting everything started. This is a really important conversation. Our world is changing, and we’re in uncharted territory right now. We’re living a rare convergence of cycles that are changing the way we live and think in the world. The role of leadership, and how we think about leadership is changing. Our actions have to make sense for our times.
David Sloan Wilson: It has been a real treat to have you organize this discussion. Altruism does exist and does evolve. But altruism requires certain conditions, and this is why we have to do something and so much is up to us. For a group to do well, members must perform services for each other. The fact is that groups of altruists out compete groups of more selfish interest. Succeeding as a group became the main evolutionary force. Teamwork is the signature adaption of our species.
Since 2015 “THE CONVERGENCE” Series on VoiceAmerica has been sponsored by Interspiritual Dialogue (“ISD”) the parent of Light on Light Press, Magazines and Media.
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Comments from Guests
Karenna Gore: I’m delighted to be on The Convergence, joining this conversation especially to talk about climate change and the spiritual dimensions of this challenge. The problem that we have about really understanding this issue is spiritual. It is our sense of separateness, our false sense of separation from nature. In order to solve it we have to change our consciousness and we must draw from the wisdom traditions of the world to do this.
Brian McLaren: The idea that we are in a migration from systems of belief to a way of life which is a way of love is healing our sense of disconnection from each other, which has been our difficulty. Who’s in, who’s out, who’s right, who’s wrong is being replaced with connection, love, and encounter. This totally flips the script. It is a powerful new formation.
Michael Dowd: Its wonderful to be with you all. There is no question that what we do in the next decade or two will make the total difference between perishing or something not quite as catastrophic. The earth cannot sustain 7 -10 billion people; it’s likely it can barely sustain 2 billion people. The 21st Century is going to have to be a Century about limits. We’re waking up to our predicament
Father Thomas Keating: This is the area that I think is the most important educational process that exists– getting to know oneself, and the Source of our being. If folks could just realize our oneness with this Source they could realize that everything in interconnected, everything is interdependent. We need to wake up to this ultimate reality
Stephen Dinan: This decade is the turning point. This is the time when we turn the ship of humanity toward a peaceful, sustainable, healthy future– and part of that is the awakening to our larger oneness, to realizing that we really are one global family. So, these programs and developments are very important. This is the birth of a new era for humanity.

THE CONVERGENCE programming with 1GOD.com
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Comments from Guests
Ken Wilber: It’s an honor to be here for this incredibly important conversation. Human beings have two very different kinds of spiritual engagement. We need to talk about both Waking Up [awakened understanding] and Growing Up [the building of a world that reflects this understanding]. We need to understand the specific aspects of this process of Growing Up. The recognition of these aspects is one of the greatest and most profound discoveries that has ever occurred. This is a truly revolutionary and pivotal point in our spiritual history.
Kabir Helminski: There is something flowing toward human beings, a relationship with a greater intelligence that gives certain possibilities. These are means for human beings to access a more comprehensive reality, a greater awareness, especially a heart awareness that connects us.
James O’Dea: It’s wonderful to be in this discussion. The Mystic is someone who forsakes orthodox religion in the quest for direct experience of the Divine. And, the Conscious Activist is one who, transcending just structural means and formulae for change, is led by the innate sense of oneness and celebration of the heart of service. That is an integration of science and spirit
Vera de Chalambert: We can only have the transformation we are all hoping to have if can live in this moment that is being presented to us. We need a capacity to work with the unknown. This way our actions can emerge from deeper within our common core.
VoiceAmerica “Convergence” Hosting Teams Over the Years
Current: Dr. Kurt Johnson, Karuna and Guest Hosts from The Evolutionary Leaders Circle (Rev. Deborah Moldow, Director; Dr. Robert Atkinson, Our Moment of Choice team; and other Evolutionary Leaders).
With Unity Earth: Dr. Kurt Johnson, Ben Bowler, Karuna, Yanni Maniates, Rev. Deborah Moldow, Doug King
With 1God.com: Dr. Kurt Johnson, Ben Bowler, Karuna, Yanni Maniates, Rev. Deborah Moldow, Doug King, Jeff Vander Clute
Executive Producer at VoiceAmerica: Randall Libero
VoiceAmerica Tech Services: Matthew Weidner